The Martian Invasion

Dooney’s is serializing, on a weekly basis, Brian Fawcett’s manuscript The Martian Invasion. Edited by Karl Siegler, this is one of the last books Fawcett completed before his death, from pulmonary fibrosis, on February 27, 2022. Fawcett is a founding co-editor of since its inception in 2001.

This page functions as a table of contents for the serial, and will be updated as new chapters are published. 

Read Stan Persky's elegy for Brian Fawcett, Joined at the Mind.

The Martian Invasion: A Love Story: (Ch. 1) An Incident in an Alley

Jun 12, 2023

Brian Fawcett relates an incident in an alley in Brighton, England in 1963 that involves dope, Rockers, switchblades, and books. But how to tell a story that doesn’t violate the principles of the Creative Writing Department Manual or the fact that there is no fiction in the real world? “The Martians are always coming,” as one writer once said.

The Martian Invasion: (Ch. 2) Travel Morons

Jun 19, 2023

In Ch. 2 of “The Martian Invasion,” Brian Fawcett, a coming-of-age young Canadian, is on the Grand Tour of Europe in 1963. The “Rover Boys” (Brian and a pal) are driving a 1953 Opel through a blizzard in the Alps, eventually ending up behind the Iron Curtain in Belgrade, Serbia. The adventures of “travel morons.”